Thursday, February 25, 2010

Anal Tool and 9.5oz ID Glide Lube

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Sunday, February 21, 2010


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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Random Girls 2

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

GQ Magazine - Rihanna

Robyn Rihanna Fenty (nascuta in 1988 pe 20 februarie), cunoscuta dupa numele de scena Rihanna este o artista R&B din insulele Barbados.

Rihanna a dat lovitura in vara lui 2005, cu `Pon de Replay` – un cantec omniprezent precum soarele in Caraibe. Melodia a scos-o brusc din anonimat si a facut-o superstar, asa cum `Get Busy` il facea faimos pe Sean Paul.

Cantecul i-a folosit mai mult decat toate concursurile de frumusete castigate in adolescenta – frumoasa cu piele ciocolatie si ochi verzi a ramas cunoscuta doar in Indiile de Vest, pana cand `Pon de Replay` a facut-o celebra.

Cariera muzicala a inceput dintr-o pura intamplare – Evan Rogers (faimos producator) isi petrecea vacanta in insulele Barbados. Cineva i-a facut cunostinta cu Rihanna, si, dupa ce i-a `simtit` talentul si potentialul, i-a propus fetei sa imprime cateva cantece.

Primele ei melodii demo au ajus la Jay Z – boss-ul Def Jam Records, au starnit interesul si Rihanna a fost invitata sa semneze un contract.

In vara lui 2005 Def Jam a lansat `Pon de Replay` – primul single de pe discul de debut al Rihannei – `Music of the Sun`. Era un mix de ritmuri de Carraibe si urban-pop. Piesa a prins aproape instantaneu si a atentat la primul loc in topul Billboard, reusind sa ajunga pana pe locul 2 in conditiile in care albumul `Music of the Sun` nu fusese inca lansat.

Al doilea album a aparut in 2006 – `A Girl Like Me`, la doar opt luni de la discul de debut. `A Girl Like Me` a debutat pe locul 4 in Statele Unite si pe 6 in Marea Britanie iar melodia aleasa sa-l promoveze – `SOS` a urcat pe cea mai inalta pozitie in Billboard Hot 100. Si urmatorul sau cantec `Unfaithfull` a patruns fara probleme in Top 10, dar piesa cu nr trei aleasa sa promoveze `A Girl Like Me` – `We Ride` – nu s-a bucurat de un succes la fel de mare.

Rihanna si-a facut debutul pe marele ecran cu un rol pasager in `Bring It On – All Or Nothing` iar pentru a doua jumatate a lui 2007 pregateste un nou album, care va fi mai aproape de Dance decat de R&B. Se zvoneste ca pentru acest album ea lucraza cu Jermaine Dupri, Timbaland, Diddy si Scott Scorch.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 99 (2/12/10): Hell's Half Acre

At one in the afternoon, I shared cervezas with my boss and a few coworkers.  The talk of Valentine’s Day started, and I pretended to take interest in small talk, but the best company I had that lunch was my Dos Equis. I wanted a decent buzz on, more for the courage to get through the afternoon.

At three PM, I poured some Jameson into my coffee while I sat pounding away at my laptop. I had a thought to ask out 91, because, well I truly wanted to spend a few more hours with her. So I randomly called her up and asked what she was doing in five or so days. I think spending a few hours with someone that knew about the site, really got me out of being Travis for awhile, and was the least Travis-esque I had felt in a while, which is why I tried to go for it.  Unfortunately she mentioned a boyfriend. It didn’t entirely surprise me, but there are worse things in the world than the word no. I’ve been rejected enough over the past 98 days to just shrug it off, and go about my day.

At six in the evening I sat across a booth from Nicole drinking three glasses of water, trying to have half a nerve. I told her about the project, about fucking Taylor, about all of it. And, funny enough, she was okay with all of it. Not one hundred percent, but she didn’t storm out cursing, or even seem to get all that upset. She told me that she knew I was mixed up and going through something, and could tell I wasn’t quite ready for a relationship, but she loved watching TV with me, harassing me when I’m sick, texting me in awkward situations, and just straight up being with me. And I didn’t feel differently about her. I swear I could have told her that I loved her right then and there, but I wouldn’t have meant it. In a lot of ways, it was like my latest ex. We were great and awesome, and I loved her…but I didn’t love her the way you always hear about. She didn’t want anything but what we had, well she did, but she was really and truly okay with it. But I think I just knew that it wasn’t love, and maybe she deserved more than me, and I deserved less than her.

By nine I was in sweats and a ratty old T-shirt with holes and bleach stains. I bought a six of Sam and decided that after 99 days, the night belonged to me and my long- necked brothers, the only acceptable form of bromance. I talked to a few fans of the site drunkenly when they asked what I had planned for the next day, and for Valentines. They kept waiting for the big finish, and I kept waiting for the numbness to wear off.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day

Arms unfolded

mock crucifix

old row house wall

Floor candelabras make a semi-circle

Flames illuminate your face

”I’m doing this for you babe”

You say

as you pour hot wax

First right nipple

Then left

Between and slowly over

Each breast

You kiss me hard

You take my breath

You say “I LOVE YOU”

And bite my lip

Blood red

You bite my tongue

You say “BITCH”

I Bite you back

You hit me in the heart

With your fist

And pour candle wax

On my clit.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Glamour - Madonna

Madonna Louise Ciccone Ritchie, nascuta pe 16 august 1958, este una dintre cele mai celebre artiste americane. Nascuta in Bay City, Michigan si crescuta in Rochester Hills, Michigan, Madonna s-a mutat la New York pentru a urma o cariera in dansul modern. Dupa ce a facut parte din formatii de pop precum Breakfast Club si Emmy, ea a debutat cu albumul “Madonna“, in 1983.

A frecventat cursurile scolii Rochester Adams High School, unde s-a remarcat prin rezultatele scolare si ca membra a echipei de majorete. Si-a incheiat studiile preuniversitare in 1976, iar in 1978 a intrat la Facultatea de Dans din Michigan. In anul urmator, cu doar 35 de dolari in buzunar, Madonna s-a mutat la New York, avand ca obiectiv inceperea unei cariere ca dansatoare.

In 1982 Madonna intemeiaza formatia muzicala Breakfast Club, in cadrul careia a fost baterista si vocalista. Dupa destramarea trupei, Madonna creeaza o alta formatie, Emmy. In acelasi an un demo al Madonnei ajunge la un producator de la Sire Records iar dupa putin timp apare “Everybody“, primul single al Madonnei, care atinge culmile succesului in Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play, insa nu intra in Billboard Hot 100.

Dupa multe controverse, Madonna lanseaza in 1994 un nou album “Bedtime Stories” de pe care se remarca piese ca “Secret”, “Take a Bow”, “Bedtime Story” si “Human Nature” iar in 1995 apare “Something to Remember“, care cuprinde cele mai faimoase balade ale Madonnei.

La scurt timp, artista joaca in filmul care i-a marcat cariera, “Evita“, unde o interpreteaza pe prima doamna argentiniana, Eva Peron. Madonna a castigat Globul de Aur pentru interpretarea sa si premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun cantec, “You must love me”, una dintre piesele de pe coloana sonora a filmului.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

God bless Hef's cataracts.

Having these 2 bi*ches leave the MANSION was most likely a genius MOVE.

Poor Hef’s health must be going downhill. That is the ONLY reason that explains why the fu*k these girls got in in the first place. That eyesight just ain’t gettin BETTER…

Their hair DONT’S remind me of DJ Tanner circa 1991. And that’s NOT a compliment.

And I can swear that I’ve been asked “paper or plastic” by one of these two broads…


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Glamour - Eva Longoria

Eva Jacqueline Longoria  s-a nascut in Corpus Christi, Texas, fiica unor parinti catolici mexicani-americani, Enrique Longoria si Ella Eva Mireles.  Ea are trei surori mai mari: Elizabeth, Emily si Esmeralda. Familia locuia si lucra la o ferma pe care o mostenisera de la generatiile trecute, dar de obicei aveau putini bani; Enrique si Ella se zbateau sa le ofere fiicelor lor o viata normala. Longoria le-a aratat telespectatorilor o introspectie in viata dura pe care o traia, la show-ul “Oprah Winfrey”, in anul 2006. Eva a recunoscut ca numai dupa ce a reusit sa ajunga in show-biz  lucrurile au inceput sa stea mai bine pentru familia ei, din punct de vedere financiar.  Intr-un alt interviu, Longoria a dezvaluit ca surorile ei radeau de ea. Ea a spus “Am crescut ca fiind ratusca cea urata. Imi spuneau “la prieta fea”, ceea ce inseamna “cea urata si neagra”.

Eva Longoria a dorit la inceput sa fie fotomodel; a trimis fotografii unei agentii de modele dar a fost respinsa din cauza inaltimii ei. Longoria a castigat titlul Miss Corpus Christi, USA in anul 1998.

Dupa ce a terminat facultatea, Eva s-a inscris intr-un concurs de talente ceea ce a dus-o in orasul Los Angeles. La scurt timp dupa aceasta, Eva a semnat un contract cu un agent de teatru.

Longoria continua sa fie inclusa in listele intocmite la Hollywood, aflandu-se printre cele mai frumoase femei. Revista Maxim a desemnat-o ca fiind cea mai sexy celebritate feminina atat in anul 2005, cat si in 2006. In anul 2007, actrita a ajuns pe locul 9 al aceleasi reviste. 

Longoria a fost maritata cu actorul Tyler Christopher, din anul 2002 pana in 2004. Pe 30 noiembrie, 2006, aceasta s-a logodit cu Tony Parker, cu care s-a si casatorit pe 7 iulie, 2007. In anul 2008, Eva si-a deschis un restaurant in Los Angeles -”Beso” (care inseamna “sarut” in limba spaniola).

Longoria are 32 de ani si a fost nascuta pe 15 Martie 1975 in Corpus Christi, Texas la Mexican – American Catholic. Cea mai tanara din cele 4 fice: Elizabeth Judina, Emily Jeannette si Esmeralda Josephine. A urmat liceul Roy Miller. In acest timp a castigat titlul de „Miss Corpus Christi, USA” in 1998. Cariera: In 2000 Longoria a primit primul ei rol in televiziune. A aparut in serialul „Beverly Hills”, in „General Hospital”. In acelasi an a debutat in American soap opera „The Young and the Restless, dupa aceea a continuat cu drama „Dragnet”.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sunny Leone's SunLust Productions Opens EStore

Los Angeles, CA
February 3, 2010

Sunny Leone’s adult entertainment empire continues to expand. Already one of the biggest stars in adult films with her own production company, Sunny is proud to announce the opening of the SunLust online store,

Fans can buy all things related to Sunny and SunLust Pictures in one convenient location. There is also an auction section on the site that allows customers to bid on collectibles and one of a kind items.

“We wanted a place where our fans could get the best deals on our products,” exclaims Sunny. “On they can get all of my movies, magazines and toys as well as 8×10’s, autographed items and some things we will be offering exclusively through the site. We have worked really hard and I am thrilled with the results!”

For all things Sunny and SunLust Pictures related, visit


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

cramps snow and stuff

Well, I walked to work today, and really enjoyed it.  I’m discovering that when I drive, I wish I wasn’t.  So, that certainly helps in my desire to sell my car LOL.  That should be happening Thursday or Friday this week.  Yay!!  I’m spending some of the money on sex toys.  I know I shouldn’t, but that money is not included in our budget…what there is of one.  D still hasn’t found a job :( He was able to apply for another one today for a company that he’s worked for before.  It’d be for overnights but… *sighs* He needs a job.  Like.  Now.

I’ve started taking this old backpack to work with me to carry my books and stuff LOL It’s one of those on wheels :) I love it! LOL Since I have a bad back, it’s nice to be able to just put my stuff in there and pull it, instead of carrying it on my back and messing it up worse.

I came home on lunch to get my phone.  We had people over to fix the bed (the frame broke like, 2 days after we got it) and D told me the best story!  (I’d left the phone home for them to call when the got here, ‘cuz our door buzzer is broke.  Turns out they came 2 hours early, were able to get in with someone else, and didn’t call.  Good thing D was home!!) Anyway!!

I still had some sex toys out.  Right there on the bureau in the bedroom.  *laughs* Plus, my cfm shoes were out, and my butterfly pillow.  On the dresser were my Hello Kitty ears and on the chair in the bedroom my pink Playboy blanket.  None of my clothes were out.  So.  Naturally the repair guys thought D was gay!!! They were joking about it in the bedroom while they were fixing the bed *giggle snort*.

D thinks one of the repair guys was one that delivered our furniture, and I was here when he delivered it *laughs* So seems like he was just playing along but who knows ;) *giggles*

So on the way home from work it started snowing and I got a super good pic of the snow! :) It was quite beautiful actually.  Very peaceful.  It stopped before I got back to work though.  Ended up driving back ‘cuz I needed to make sure my car still started since we didn’t go anywhere yesterday and it was really cold.

That’s about all that’s going on now.  I got my period *sighs* but thankfully D is okay with sex during menstruation!! :D   It doesn’t stop my sex drive.  At all.

It’s sex drive.  I’ve never had so much sex before.  I’ve had more sex with D than I had my entire relationship with my husband.  I’m not used to it.  I’m loving it!!  But, part of me is afraid I’m like…I dunno.  Sex would be all I’m interested in…or that I’m addicted to sex or something.  Granted, once or twice a day is hardly too much! LOL

So yesterday after we finished the cleaning D lit the candles in the bedroom so I knew what he wanted.  :D Sex.  :D   So, I stripped down and did..something else mundane, don’t remember.  Blew my nose or something.  D was standing in the closet and I went up to him and kissed him.  Suddenly, he backed up and and told me to turn around. *creams* He blindfolded me!

With gentle hands on my arms he guided me to the bed and had me lay down.  He moved around a lot, so I didn’t know what he was doing or getting.  Suddenly, he put some lube on my pussy and slid a toy into it!! :D It was a toy we hadn’t ever used before; the egg vibrator.  OOHhhh gods I loved it!!  He took the egg out after I came and had me stay on the bed, still blindfolded.  After a couple more moments suddenly there was another new toy in my puss!

D slowly slid in a very thick toy…and I didn’t know what it was until he slid it in all the way and turned it on…it was my rabbit vibe!!  I really enjoyed the girth of that one, but I think the batteries are old.  My outer lips are insanely thick, (as a visual…my lips hold the egg vibrator in place with no prob..even on full vibe…yea..O_O we actually had a pretty good laugh about that) so the rabbit ears part of it only works if D turns it around so it’s the back of it against my clit.  It also has the rotating beads..and I’m seriously jonesing for some new batteries to feel it at full power! :D

Anyway, last night I lotioned up D’s back and then I proceeded to lube up his cock and fuck the hell out of him.  MMmm…sometimes the best sex is quick hard and messy.  :)

Night all!!!
